Thursday, November 23, 2023

Bern Smith

Title: Nurse Rivers’ Secret
Author: Anne Durham
Published: December 1965, ©1965
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Bern Smith

His signature is in the upper left-hand corner.

Everyone at Ripplegate General Hospital was tremendously excited when the film star Dawn Delaney was admitted as a patienteveryone, that is, except Nurse Nina Rivers, who knew Dawn only too well and dreaded the complications she would inevitably bring with her. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Elaine Duillo

Title: I Should Have Known
Author: Denise Robins
Published: Sept 1970, ©1961 Denise Robins
Publisher: Fawcett Gold Medal
Illustrator: Elaine Duillo

Her signature is in the lower right-hand corner.

Young Shelley Bray had fallen desperately in love with Esmond Torrington, the world-famous symphony conductor. She had tried to keep her passion a private thingto remain merely the governess of Esmonds children. But someone else had learned her secretsomeone who hated her. Someone jealous enough to destroy her. Shelley did not fear for herself. But now Esmonds destiny had become entwined with hers. She knew she must search alone through the dark shadows of his past. She did not know what she would find. She only knew that she had to save himno matter what the cost to her. 

Lou Marchetti

Title: She Married a Doctor
Author: Dorothy Walker
Published: Aug 1962, ©1939 Liveright Publishing Corp.
Publisher: Popular Library
Illustrator: Lou Marchetti

He is not credited, but it is very much his style.

The girls who fall in love with doctors may be like Nora Eaton—young, devoted, deeply involved with her mans career. Or, they may be like Peggy Lymanbeautiful, greedy, reckless. Or like Ann Dutton, willing to sacrifice everything to ambition. Whatever kind of girls they are, all encounter the same dangers, the same temptations. Nearly all, like Nora, encounter a fascinating intruder such as Dr. Seth Tapley. Nearly every girl like Nora, suddenly finds she must make the most difficult decision of her life ... 

John Duillo

Title: Shadowland
Author: Elaine Evans
Published: ©1970
Publisher: Magnum
Illustrator: John Duillo

His signature is in the lower left-hand corner.

A life of quiet routine, where the only hint of romance and excitement came from the pages of a book or a movie, made Caroline Ballard accept the mysterious summons to Shadowland. At first it was everything she had hoped for, being swept away in a Rolls-Royce without even a chance to change from her nurse’s uniform. But the dream began to sour when she met Shadowland, and its master. There was something demoniac about Baxter Marr that warned her away ... but something else equally strong made her accept his invitation to stay. Then she began to unravel the secrets of the old house—the horde of old movies in the cupola, the three coffins int he cellar—and the impossible identity of the dead woman in one of the coffins! What started as a dream soon turned to deadly nightmare, and Caroline knew that one of those coffins was meant for her!

Harry Schaare

Title: Dr. Kildare Takes Charge
Author: Max Brand
Published: Oct 1962, 
©1940 Dodd, Mead and Co.
Publisher: Dell
Illustrator: Harry J. Schaare

He is credited on the back cover.

Nurse Mary Lamont faced Blair General’s chief-of-staff, Dr. Leonard Gillespie. “It’s true,” he told her, “Jim has gone—he left without even saying goodbye.” “But why?” Mary asked. “What could possibly have made him walk out on his brilliant career, on your confidence, and on my love?...”

Robert Maguire

Title: Dixie Doctor
Author: Marcia Ford
Published: Sept 1962, ©1955 Marcia Ford
Publisher: Monarch Books
Illustrator: Robert Maguire

His signature is in the lower right-hand corner.

Dr. Phil Abbott had planned his future carefully. He would finish his medical education, return to his home town, take over old Dr. Hudsons practice, and then he would look for a wife. Everything was going perfectly ... Until he looked into the violet-blue eyes of Nurse Lorna Evans and found himself falling in love ... Until his best friend, Dr. Cal Hays, used his charm to sweep Lorna into his arms and out of Phils life ... Until the suspicious Dr. Carl Kreuse began working on the hospitals atomic research project ... And until Phil was forced to make a decision that would challenge his loyalty to his country and his devotion to the woman he loved. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

H. Rogers

Title: Ann Kenyon: Surgeon
Author: Adeline McElfresh
Published: December 1970, ©1960
Publisher: Dell Candlelight
Illustrator: H. Rogers

His signature is in the lower right-hand corner. 

Ann Kenyon was young, beautiful and a brilliant surgeon. In the operating room, she was in superb command—but the outside world was different. No longer could Ann pretend to love Dr. Brill Crayden, so skillful, so cynical, so cold. To get away from Brill, Ann went to distant Ledbie Memorial Hospital, to find herself plunged into a battle that threatened her professional name and her personal reputation with vicious slander. Only a dedicated doctor would have challenged the powers blocking progress at Ledbie. Only a passionate woman would have fallen in love with a man claimed by another. Ann Kenyon was both—could she avoid paying the price in heartbreak?

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Bern Smith

Title: Doctor Vannards Patients
Author: Pauline Ash
Published: 19754, ©1964
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Bern Smith

His signature is in the lower left-hand corner.

Camilla’s selfish husband was responsible for more than the car crash which scarred her and crippled both him and their daughter Laurie. Yet he was still her husband—even though she might love Philip Ancliffe, another badly injured patient at the hospital where she worked.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Norm Eastman

Title: To Please the Doctor
Author: Marjorie Moore
Published: 1974, ©1950
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Norm Eastman

His signature is in the upper left-hand corner of the illustration.

Dr. Duncan McRey was a most difficult person, thought Jill Fernley, and almost as bad was Brenda Malling, her staff nurse. Jill loved her work in St. Joseph’s Hospital, but hated the intrigues and friction of community life. Brenda was jealous of Jill’s success, but why, oh! why had Dr. McRey to be so unfriendly to nurses when he was so gentle with children? Was he like that to all women? This was a question which came to concern Jill more and more before at last she found the answer.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Edrien King

Title: Nurse Julie and the Knight
Author: Jeanne Judson
Published: ©1965
Publisher: Avalon
Illustrator: Edrien King

She is credited on the inside cover flap, and her signature is to the left of the nurse’s right elbow.

Women’s Hospital had been founded by women and was staffed by women, and Julie Sheridan, who had wanted to be a doctor but was forced to give up the dream because she must educate her younger sister, found it infinitely satisfying to work there. Everyone in the hospital was talking about the beautiful and wealthy Alice Danver, who had just lost her baby. Mrs. Roger Danver had a grown son, and this baby had been looked forward to with joy by Alice and her second husband. Mrs. Danver was a VIP—not only was she a member of the board, but she was a granddaughter of one of the founders—and most of the nurses would have been delighted to be selected as the nurse to accompany Alice Danver home. Not so Julie, who was bent on learning all that she could about her chosen profession. The Danvers lived in a luxurious town house on New York’s fashionable East Side, but Julie soon found that the household was presided over by an evil genius in the person of the housekeeper, Hetty Brown, who dominated everyone there, including Alice and Roger Danver. Life in the Danver home would have been unbearable for Julie had it not been for Leo Cross, Alice’s son by a previous marriage. Leo Cross didn’t really look like a knight in shining armor, but in Julie’s eyes he was even more than that. Only Leo dared to stand up to the formidable Hetty. It was Leo who precipitated the storm that finally freed the Danvers of Hetty’s morbid dominance, and it was Leo who helped with Julie’s frivolous young sister presented a problem too big for Julie to handle alone. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Bern Smith

Title: Doctor Jonathan
Author: Jane Alan
Published: 1976, ©1955
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Bern Smith

His signature runs up her right sleeve.

After the death of her father, Vicky Meredith went to London to take up a stage career, but this ambition was soon ended by a severe throat infection. On her return home, Vicky found her very good friend Paul engaged to her sister Jennifer, and bitterly hurt, she took a job with Doctor Jonathan Crofts. This turned out to be a wise decision for her future happiness, but it was some time before this became apparent to Vicky.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Jack Harman

Title: Peter Raynal, Surgeon
Author: Marjorie Moore
Published: 1974
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Jack Harman

His signature is in the lower left-hand corner. 

This is the story of Kay Somers, nurse, and Peter Raynal, a popular and brilliant surgeon. The strongly opposed forces of their respective characters bring them into a constant conflict which comes to a head when Kay is confronted with the loss of her position at St. Jude’s Hospital, and the breaking of her engagement to the ambitious young farmer who has been a life-long family friend. The story is set against the background of Hospital life and Kay’s own rural home, and brings into relief the diverse qualities of her nature. Her gradual change of heart is brought about through her affection for an ailing child, a reciprocated affection which pierces Kay’s natural armour of reserve. It is the child Christine’s influence on Kay which forges the first link of understanding between herself and Peter Raynal, an understanding which is destined to change the whole course of Kay’s life and bring her the joy and happiness which she had once believe lost to her for all time.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Bill Johnson

Photo courtesy Marianne Johnson
Cover artist William Gray “Bill” Johnson was born in 1931 in Texas. His mother Retha was a remarkable woman who in 1929, at the age of 23, was the first woman pilot in the state of Texas, passing the exam after less than nine hours of instruction and the only person in her class to achieve a perfect score. She was working as a fourth-grade teacher at the time. She married Bill’s father, William Gray Johnson Sr., a year later; he was an aviation instructor, and it’s likely that they met when she was learning to fly. Tragically, however, he drowned shortly after their first anniversary, five months before Bill was born. 

Bill attended Texas Christian University but left before graduating to serve in the air Force during the Korean War, where he played tenor sax in the Air Force Band at Clark Base in the Philippines. After the war he enrolled at the Academy of Advertising Art in San Francisco. There he met his future wife, Nancy, and the pair were married in the city’s famous Grace Church in 1955, and their first child was born there. The couple moved to New York, where Bill worked as an illustrator for paperback novels; his wife was frequently his model. 

After their second child was born, they relocated back to San Francisco and then finally in about 1965 to the Seattle area, where they remained. At that point, Bill was working primarily as a television art director for advertising agencies like McCann Erickson and Ayer Baker. Nancy was a painter and became a teacher at the New School of Visual Concepts in Seattle. Though he was never a pilot himself, he was a plane spotter as a child during World War II, and an aviation photographer and later was described as “a sax-playing-designer-illustrator-aviation photographer … a Texas boy always ready to tell it like it was.” He died July 7, 2009, at age 77; his obituary called him “a legend in the fields of illustration and advertising art direction, and it will be a time well in the future that his achievements are ever equaled.”

Courtesy Marianne Johnson

Paul Anna Soik

Title: Theatre Nurse
Hilda Pressley Nickson
Published: 1965, ©1960
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Paul Anna Soik

His signature is in the lower left-hand corner.

Catharine Manton was beautiful and efficient, and “her” operating theatre was perfectly run. Why, then, did the new R.S.O. declare that he couldn’t possibly work with her, even if it meant that he—not she—would have to leave the hospital?

Robert Maguire

Title: Prison Nurse
William Neubauer
Published: ©1962
Publisher: Avon Books
Illustrator: Robert Maguire

His signature is in the lower right-hand corner. 

Young Nurse Vivian’s heart went out to the inmates at Clairmount County Correctional Facility. She knew that a good nurse had to be unemotional, but she also knew that behind those forbidding walls young girls were being treated like animals! In the hospital recuperating from a near fatal clubbing she had received at the hands of some would-be-escapees, Vivian found herself the center of city-wide attention. Newspaper editorials lauded her heroism; the Mayor himself came to her bedside to bestow civic awards. But when Vivian argued that the Facility ought to rehabilitate its inmates instead of brutalizing them, the young nurse made a powerful enemy of the Mayor whose plans called for closing the Facility and shipping the girls off to adult prisons. It would take every bit of Vivian’s courage and determination and the dedicated help of her fiancé—a young lawyer who represented a group in opposition to the Mayor’s program—to save, and help the inmates who knew Vivian Hartwell as their Prison Nurse.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Harry Bennett

Title: Love Calls the Doctor
Author: Elizabeth Seifert
Published: November 1960, ©1958
Publisher: Permabook
Illustrator: Harry Bennett

His signature is in the lower right-hand corner.

As a child, she cried until she got her sisters favorite doll. Then it was Belindas new hat, her best dresses and next her fiancé. Dazzlingly beautiful, Marian had little difficulty in changing her status from maid of honor to bride. And now she was threatening Belindas happiness once more. I know shes your sister, Belinda, Dr. Peter Jahns warned. But please be careful. Marian has no family loyalty. She proved that once. Dont let her hurt you again!

Paul Anna Soik

Title: Hospital Corridors
Author: Mary Burchell
Published: 1975, ©1955
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Paul Anna Soik

His signature is in the lower left-hand corner.

Madeline felt that she was on the brink of a completely new life when she left England to do a years nursing in a great Montreal hospital. But she found that, after all, she had already met on board shipthough he was said to be so unapproachableDr. Lanyan, a distinguished member of the staff; and one of the patients would be the beautiful (but very difficult) Mrs. Sanders whom she had nursed before, with her good-looking and attentive son among the visitors. Still, everything elseexcept her familiar, well-loved workwould be excitingly new, and she  might even have occasion to work for Dr. Lanyon ...

Allan Kass

Title: New Orleans Nurse
Author: Diana Douglas (pseud. Richard Wilkes-Hunter) 
Published: August 1974, ©1974
Publisher: Signet
Illustrator: Allan Kass

His initials are at the base of the tree. 

When beautiful Melinda Fontane Excepted a new assignment during Mardi Gras time in New Orleans, she found her patient to be a charming, if enigmatic, man. She could not understand the veil of secrecy which surrounded his case. But when the doctor in attendance turned out to be handsome Garth Woodward, an old friend of Melinda’s, she was warned that her patient was a target for murder, and that she, too, could be in danger. That was all Garth would tell her, but he kept a close watch on his lovely young assistant—close enough to rekindle Melinda’s deep feeling for him. Then, suddenly, midst the swelling frenzy of the Mardi Gras, all disguise is dropped, and Melinda learned to the real identity of her mysterious patient—and discovered to the true face of love …

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Harry Bennett

Title: The Dilemma of Geraldine Addams
Diane Frazer (pseud. Dorothy Fletcher)
Published: March 1965, ©1965
Publisher: Pocket Books
Illustrator: Harry Bennett

His signature runs along the bottom of the Nurse’s dress.

“Let’s have it,” Dr. Brownlee said to Henry Franklin, a very influential member of the Board of Trustees of Cranston Hill Hospital, with a wife who was an important member of the Women’s Auxiliary.
“Well, this newspaper fellow came to see Clara, and it seems you have someone on your staff here who shouldn’t be on the staff of any self-respecting hospital.”
“You mean one of our doctors?” Brownlee asked, suddenly alert.
“Not a doctor. A nurse. Geraldine Addams.”
Dr. Brownlee sat up straight. “Geraldine Addams? What about her?”
“I gather that she was a pretty notorious playgirl, that she posed for some rather startling photographs, that she was even involved in a hit-and-run accident. You wouldn’t want to retain someone like that on your nursing staff I’m sure, Lyman. Seems she’s in the children’s ward. It’s not the best of situations, is it?”

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Paul Anna Soik

Title: Doctor Lucy
Author: Barbara Allen (pseud. Violet Finlay Stuart)
Published: ©1956
Publisher: Harlequin
Illustrator: Paul Anna Soik

His signature is in the lower left-hand corner. 

A woman doctor, Lucy found, is still suspect to her male colleagues. “We teach you and train you,” they argue, “and then what happens? You marry!” Well, Lucy announced, she wouldn’t. She had finished with love and marriage since Johnny Eglington had let her down so badly, and now she could come back without fear of any complications, to the district where Johnny and his wife still lived. She explained this to Johnny himself, to Michael Dare, her old friend, and to her chief at the Melfield Hospital, that clever surgeon Paul Brandon. Extraordinary that none of them seemed to be quite convinced!

Stan Klimley

Title: Senior Nurse
Author: Josephine James
Published: ©1960
Publisher: Golden Griffon
Illustrator: Stan Klimley

His signature is in the lower right-hand corner, and he is also credited on the back cover. 

As a student nurse, Kathy Martin knew her senior year would be hard—with new responsibilities and longer hours. But she also knew there were beautiful, happy days ahead … there were her friends at the hospital, and, above all, there was Steve. But suddenly Kathy’s world clouded over … a missing locket … a hospital crisis … and a handsome new patient whose gentle sensitivity drew Kathy toward his own shadowy world … Suddenly Kathy’s heart had to choose: duty—or love?

Edrien King

Title: Nurses Dont Tell
Author: Jeanne Judson
Publisher: Avalon
Published: ©1962
Illustrator: Edrien King

Her signature is above the nurse’s shoulder, and she is also credited inside the dust jacket.

In a way, it was like a vacation—being nurse to wealthy and arthritic Mrs. Wendell at her luxurious estate, Idlerest, in the Florida Keys. Mrs. Wendell played bridge every afternoon, and when there was a fourth—and usually there was—Katrina was free to swim or do anything she liked. Still, it became a bit boring with no one around but middle-aged people. That was why Katrina welcomed the girl on the beach—a rather strange girl, with wide-set gray eyes and a disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought. Even before Katrina learned that Mary Cordell was under observation by a psychiatrist visiting at her uncle’s home, she had decided that Mary was “odd,” to say the least. But Mary’s brother was quite another story. Personable, wealthy, with a Government job in Washington, and a sense of humor as sharp as Katrina’s own, Martin Cordell was the answer to any maiden’s dream … When bronzed, athletic-looking Captain Paul Williams—Mrs. Wendell’s partner at bridge whenever she could snare him—began to show an interest in Mary, Katrina knew there would be trouble. Victor Brierly, Mary’s uncle and guardian, had no intention of relinquishing the reins to Mary’s fortune. The stage was set—with Katrina an unwitting participant in a drama worthy of the mysterious and often dangerous Keys. Setting out for an innocent game with Mary, Katrina found herself, instead, a prisoner on Paul Williams’ reconverted yacht, the Conch Shell. Katrina takes matters into her own hands in a night that threatens to end for her in the dark and menacing waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Harry Bennett

Title: Starring Suzanne Carteret, R.N.
Author: Diane Frazer (pseud. Dorothy Fletcher)
Publisher: Pocket Books
Published: ©1966
Illustrator: Harry Bennett

His signature is on the bottom of the illustration.

When, almost by chance, Suzanne Carteret was summoned as a consultant on a television series devoted to nursing, it seemed to her a wildly exciting prospect. The entertainment world was a madly glamorous one and she was eager to penetrate it. But it proved far different from what she had imagined. Soon she found herself sucked into a vortex that threatened to carry her far over her head. Things began happening more quickly than she had ever imagined possible, and for a moment it even began to look as if she might be swept into a whole new career. Would it turn her head? Could she abandon nursing, for which she felt such a genuine vocation? And what about young Doctor Clive, with whom she had thought herself in love? The decision was hers. Or was it? Everything moved with rapidity that made her feel sometimes that she no longer had any control over her life!

Sam Bates

Title: Private Duty
Author: Faith Baldwin
Publisher: Dell
Published: June 1961, ©1935
Illustrator: Sam Bates

He is credited on the back cover.

At last she wore the white cap and precious pin of a registered nurse. Now there could be an apartment of her ownand a career. She was young and pretty and the world was hers ... But all too quickly that world became overcrowded with attractive and persuasive men One, a promising surgeon, who said he worked best with Carolyn at his side. Another, a young widower, who demanded her help ... and her time. And a carefree bachelor who wouldnt let anyone but Carolyn nurse him through a grave illness. They all wanted Carolyn Cutler, the nurse, but only one loved Carolyn Cutler, the woman.