Title: Mollie Sloan Special Nurse Author: Millicent Morgan
Publisher: Permabooks
Published: January 1963,
Illustrator: Jo Polseno
His signature is on the middle left-hand side of the page.
Mollie Sloan, R.N., was a good nurse, so good in fact that a group of doctors from the hospital where she’d trained used her exclusively on their most difficult cases. She had a nice apartment, money in the bank, friends galore, but something was deeply troubling Mollie. It came to a head when Eric Hart, a young concert pianist at the peak of his career, was admitted to the hospital. His right hand was completely paralyzed, though organically there was nothing the matter with it. Dr. Paul Desmond, his doctor, immediately put Mollie on the case. But in the end it was more than curing Eric so that he might return to his career. For in the process Mollie discovered that she must make one of the most difficult choices of her young life. It involved not only her work, which she loved, but two men. The trouble was that it seemed to her she was in love with them both!