Author: Maud McCurdy Welch
Publisher: Lancer Books (#72-151)
Published: 1967, ©1959
Illustrator: Mort Engel
Review available
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Cathy Linton had planned to spend her life as a country nurse, assisting her father. Then he died. And she suddenly found herself the opposite of an heiress: her father had borrowed $10,000, and it was up to Cathy to repay the loan. It looked hopeless, even with her job in the hospital in Memphis. There would be no time for love, no time for marriage ... This had to include even her friendship with the handsome young surgeon, Dr. David Lorimer. He had a brilliant career before him, and everything a girl could want in a husband. But what could Cathy offer him? It seemed impossible. Yet there had been that lovely summer day by the river when he had tried to kiss her ...